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Awakening by G. Clatworthy - Printable Version

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Awakening by G. Clatworthy - TehParadox - 12-14-2024

[Image: 61Cmxp+1UrL.jpg]

Dzraking elves. Dzraking cults. Dzraking dragons.

My biggest worry was making a profit in my jewellery shop and not letting my dad down. But when a cult kidnaps my best friend, it's time to strap on the family axe and track them down. I'll even work with an arrogant elf if it brings her back safe and sound. But I didn't count on the dragon...

Bridget Jones meets Lord of the Rings - Wayne Turmel, author of the Johnny Lycan series

Amethyst is a half-dwarf jeweler and weaponsmith who just wants to make sales, and maybe move out of her sketchy apartment. When her best friend gets kidnapped, she realises there's more at stake and she's plunged into an adventure she doesn't want. Not to mention hate at first sight with an arrogant elf. Can she rescue her friend and sort out her feelings before a cult awakens their dragon?

Author: G. Clatworthy [Clatworthy, G.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Urban
ISBN: 9781915516015
Google: Puw6zwEACAAJ
Publisher: G Clatworthy
Published: 2021-07-30T23:00:00+00:00


