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Fandom Analytics by Michael Lewis - Printable Version

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Fandom Analytics by Michael Lewis - TehParadox - 10-15-2024

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Author: Michael Lewis
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9783031659256
Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland


The success of modern sports, entertainment, political, and other cultural categories is driven by organizations’ ability to create and manage fandom. This book explores fandom from a marketing perspective providing a multidisciplinary framework for understanding, measuring, and growing fandom. It provides a fandom analytics framework for creating and managing fandom and identifies the macro forces (technology, demographics, etc.) that are changing fandom’s structure and societal role. The book goes beyond understanding the foundations of fandom by demonstrating how marketing tools may be employed to value and manage fandom assets. It is designed for existing and new generations of sports and entertainment professionals, as well as scholars, students, and academics interested in sports and entertainment marketing and analytics.
