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Calypso in Interstellar Space by D G Hervey

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Author: D G Hervey [Hervey, D G]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2019-09-27T04:00:00+00:00

Newlyweds, Jon and Vrike, adjust to life as a married couple. Vrike slowly learns to trust that Jon will keep private the things she shares with him about the secret machinations she uses to protect Calypso from harm. Just as ML had kept her unusual powers secret, Vrike intuitively understands that she must do the same.

Sveta, a nano-bot researcher, has made advances in her attempt to create nano-bots with expanded capabilities. This worries Vrike, as she fears that Sveta will achieve powers equal to her own and thus create an unhealthy rivalry between the two of them.

Calypso enters a large area of hydrogen stream that threatens to push them off course.

In order to accommodate population growth, plans are forming to build additional cylinders that will attach to the two rotating cylinders and trailer that make up the structure of Calypso.

Some colonist are choosing to live in a higher G part of Calypso to adapt themselves and their offspring for life on a higher-G planet.

A cross-species virus infects a large number of Calypso’s inhabitants, challenging the doctors to find a way to stop the infection.


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