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One Life for Another by Greg Laird

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Author: Greg Laird [Laird, Greg]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: BookBaby

Scottie Pinkerton sits on Oklahoma's death row convicted of murdering his wife. Despite the overwhelming amount of evidence against him, Scottie has always maintained his innocence.

Steve Hanson, a young lawyer who grew up in rural Oklahoma, has worked his way to the big city of Tulsa via Georgetown Law. Since the time of his father's tragic death when he was eight, he has always found a way to succeed without the help of others.

Steve's first trip to death row changes him forever. He walks out of the prison doors to a newly released understanding of freedom few people can truly know. Steve realizes that, this time, he can't go it alone. To save Scottie's life, he will need the help of others.

Can Steve find people to join his cause to find the real killer and keep Scottie from the death chamber, or will he someday have to sit and watch his client be executed?


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